One weird trick to durably replicate your KV store

S2 is a new cloud-native, serverless storage API for streams. If this is your first time here, check out the introduction post.


S2 is fundamentally a building block. We believe it is an excellent fit for a variety of use cases that require fast, scalable, and cost-effective access to sequenced data: change data capture, feature transformation, observability events, and click streams, to name just a few. A lot of the time, you really just want an object-storage-like interface for durable streams of records.

We are continuing to iterate on the core capabilities of S2, such as supporting record timestamps in addition to sequence numbers (on its way), and key-based compaction (roadmap). We also have our sights on offering higher-level layers for compatibility with protocols like Kafka that offer features like consumer groups and queue semantics, via software that runs on top of S2.

As we embark on building these additional layers, we are making the core S2 service available for anyone to use as a foundation for their own data-intensive systems. This post explores one concrete example of what that can look like, using a beloved "hello world" distributed data system: a replicated key-value store.

The S2 API is deliberately simple; however, it is by no means limited to basic use cases. S2 is designed to provide a first-class implementation of the shared log abstraction, a powerful tool for distributed systems engineers that has gained traction in recent years.

This post is structured in three parts:

  1. An intro to the concept of shared logs.
  2. Exploring how S2's stream API can be used to design a multi-primary replicated KV store with strong consistency properties. (This part won't be language specific at all.)
  3. Digging into a sample implementation of the system which uses S2's Rust SDK.
Code example

The code example we'll be walking through is on GitHub. If you want to jump right into that, head over to the README where you can find some quickstart materials for getting it up and running locally, as well as sample curl invocations to exercise it.

Part 1: The shared log abstraction

Write-ahead logs (or "WAL"s) have been a cornerstone of database durability for decades. Traditionally, WALs are stored on non-volatile storage that is co-located with compute, and are used to provide crash recovery for database nodes. As soon as a mutation has been persisted in the WAL, it can be considered durable โ€” its effects can be deterministically recovered after a crash โ€” and the database is free to asynchronously complete more expensive actions, like rewriting a page in a B-tree.

In the distributed context, maintaining copies of a database for scalability, availability, and performance is notoriously tricky but well-researched. There are many types of consistency guarantees that a system may target, but an underlying challenge in a replicated setup is making nodes agree about the content of the database at a given moment. Strong consistency models promise that even a highly distributed database appears as if we are communicating with one that were only running on a single machine.

This is where consensus protocols like Paxos or Raft enter the picture to power state machine replication (or "SMR"). Generally, the database implementor has to take on a lot of the heavy-lifting involved in SMR, which has a whole spectrum of design possibilities.

Suppose that instead of residing on a block storage device attached to a single machine, the WAL were distributed โ€” able to be written to and read from multiple nodes on different hosts concurrently, and independently durable across node failures.

If we had something like this, we could use the WAL itself, "disaggregated" from local compute, as the mechanism for distributing state across our replicas. Our core database code could then be much more focused on indexing and querying semantics.

This is the concept of the shared log, which Mahesh Balakrishnan explores in depth in his 2024 paper, Taming Consensus in the Wild:

As an analogy, think of the SMR platform as a filesystem and the shared log as a block device. In much the same way that a block device makes it easier to build a filesystem without worrying about hardware internals (e.g., HDD vs. SSD), a shared log helps us write an SMR layer without reasoning about the internals of the consensus protocol. The SMR layer is then free to focus on the complexity of materialization, snapshot management, query scalability, single-node failure atomicity, etc., in much the same way that a filesystem can focus on file-grain multiplexing, directories, crash consistency, etc.

This idea is at the heart of the Delos system at Meta, used for powering control plane services.

More recently, Amazon has shared how they built MemoryDB, a strongly-consistent replicated Redis, using this same technique:

MemoryDB offloads durability concerns to a separate low-latency, durable transaction log service, allowing us to scale performance, availability, and durability independently from the in-memory execution engine.

Access to a system that provides sufficient durability, performance, and a suitable API for using as a shared log service is, alas, pretty hard to come by unless you happen to find yourself at Meta or Amazon.

We want S2 to be the public implementation of exactly this type of service, which has to date been a super-power mostly just for super-scalers.

Part 2: Designing a replicated KV store

Let's see how a key-value database can be implemented using S2 as a shared log. Our example will not have nearly as sophisticated of an API as Redis โ€” to start with, we'll just support get/put/delete.


Some things we would like to see in our KV store:

  • HTTP interface over a get/put/delete REST API: it should be easy to interact with the system using curl.
  • Durability: specifically, in multiple availability zones of a cloud region. Writes modifying the state of the store cannot be lost once acknowledged.
  • Horizontal scalability: we aim to distribute our requests across an arbitrary number of replicas, for improved performance and availability.
  • Multi-primary: each of our nodes should be capable of servicing both reads and writes. S2 does support concurrency control mechanisms1 which simplify the robust implementation of leader/follower schemes, but we will dive into that in a future post.
  • Strongly consistent, linearizable reads and writes: we want every read or write to reflect all prior writes that have completed before it (and also in the order in which those writes occurred). For clients that don't require strong consistency, we can provide better performance with an opt-in "eventual consistency" mode.


Some aspects we will consider acceptable limitations, but all of which make for good "exercises left for the reader" ๐Ÿ˜„:

  • Returning prior values of a key from put and delete.
  • Supporting values larger than 1 MiB, which is the limit on an S2 record's size.
  • Snapshotting to allow for restoring state via a combination of a snapshot and, only for recent writes, the log.
  • Sharding or any sort of data partitioning.

Connecting to S2 concepts

To build this system, we need a shared log, stored durably, where each entry in that log provides some payload representing a change to our KV store. These log entries will need to be totally ordered, so that there is no ambiguity about the sequence of events, and we can deterministically reconstruct state from the log.

Maybe you can already see where this is going... this is exactly what we get with an S2 stream! We are going to use "log entry" and "record" interchangeably for the rest of this post.

AppendSession for log writes

S2 streams can be written to via unary or streaming RPCs. Since our KV store is always going to need access to its log, each node can maintain a streaming AppendSession for its lifetime.

Only two of the routes in our KV store's API actually "write": put which supplies a new value, and delete which removes the existing value. Any time a node receives a request for one of these, it will also need to prepare a log entry corresponding to those actions, and send that as an append over the session.

The actual format of this entry can be virtually any lossless representation of the key it applies to and the value being supplied (in the case of put).

Once we have encoded our entry and sent it to S2, we have to wait to receive a corresponding acknowledgement that it has become durably sequenced within the log before we can in turn send an acknowledgment to the KV store requestor.

The AppendSession RPC is full-duplex. We can send records to it and concurrently also receive acknowledgements (or an error) from it. The acknowledgements will always arrive in the same order as the inputs.

Sequence diagram for a put
Sequence diagram for a put to the KV store

S2 append latency is in the critical path of put and delete calls on our store, so we can never return faster than the "round-trip time" to append a record and receive its acknowledgment. Accordingly, these write-triggering calls on our KV store will typically be in the low tens of milliseconds (50 ms at p99) โ€” assuming our KV store is also running in the same cloud region as S2,2 and that we elect to use S2's Express storage class. (We do plan to offer a faster storage class in the future for single-digit millisecond latencies.)

ReadSession and CheckTail for log reads

We have not covered the actual "materialized state" of our KV store yet.

If we were not going for horizontal scalability, and could guarantee that there would only ever be one node running, then serving reads would simply be a matter of consulting with the node's internal state stored in an in-memory dictionary of some sort. Writes could update that state directly, after receiving an acknowledgment from S2. Get requests would also be incredibly fast, as there would be no external service to communicate with.3

In a multi-primary setup, however, any of the KV store replicas might be concurrently writing to the shared log, so updating the state directly in response to an append wouldn't work. We could be missing any writes that occurred on other nodes, and replicas would quickly get out of sync.

Instead, we can have each node keep a tailing ReadSession open for its lifetime. This is a half-duplex RPC that will let us read all entries on the shared log, in the same order in which they were appended, with minimal latency overhead. If all nodes then apply those entries to their local copies of the materialized state, they will end up as identical replicas of our KV store, and any of them can service get requests by consulting their local copy.

Almost, anyway. ReadSessions do tail updates to the log in real time, but to provide strong consistency we also have to ensure that the node which is servicing the get is fully caught up with the log.

Suppose a get request comes in to one of our nodes just after a put completed (either on the same node or a different one), but our read session hasn't quite caught up with it yet. If we didn't do any extra coordination, and simply served the get using the current materialized state, we could return a stale value, and our system wouldn't actually be linearizable.

This is where CheckTail comes in. This operation gives us the current sequence number representing the tail of the stream (i.e., the sequence number that would be assigned to the next record appended). When a get arrives, our KV store just needs to check the current tail of its log, and compare it to the last sequence number which has been reflected in the local state. If the applied local state lags from the tail, we simply need to wait until we've caught up to it over the ReadSession.

Sequence diagram for a strongly consistent get
Sequence diagram for a strongly consistent get to the KV store

Similar to put and delete, which are bounded below by the time it takes to append and receive an S2 acknowlegement, any get on our KV store is bounded by the time it takes for check_tail to return. Unlike appends, this latency is not a function of the stream's storage class, and should be quite fast. Nevertheless, clients that can tolerate eventual consistency reads (potentially stale values) may elect to forego the check_tail operation for better latency.

Wrapping it up

If we do all of this, we will end up with a KV store that can satisfy our lofty goals. We only have to deal with three fundamental operations on a stream: append, read, and check_tail. This is the power of decoupled storage and compute!

Part 3: Implementing the KV store using the Rust SDK

Now we'll walk through an actual implementation of this system that is built around the S2 Rust SDK, which provides friendly access to the underlying gRPC API.

If Rust is not your jam, SDKs for other languages are on their way โ€” starting with Go, Python, and Java โ€” as well as a REST API.


Data formats

Keys in our system can simply be Strings. For values, we'd like to support several common datatypes, for convenience.

A reasonable approach to this is to create a new Value enum which wraps other types, e.g.:

enum Value {
    // ...

Our materialized state can be stored in just about any map datastructure. In the demo, we use a BTreeMap<String, Value>.

Similarly, log entries will need to represent Put and Delete actions:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
enum LogEntry {
    Put { key: String, value: Value },
    Delete { key: String },

S2 streams expect to receive data as batches of AppendRecords. These consist of a binary body, as well an optional set of headers. Since we're working with bytes for the body, we have complete control over how to encode our log entries as records. The only real constraint is that, since no record can exceed 1MiB on S2, our Values must also be small enough to be serialized within that budget.

For convenience and debug-ability, we can simply encode our log entries as JSON bytes using the serde library, so that we get a nice human-readable represetation when reading the log via the CLI. In a production system, we would probably want to adopt an efficient binary format.

s2 read "s2://${MY_BASIN}/${MY_STREAM}"

... might for example produce something like:

{"Put":{"key":"s2","value":{"Set":[{"Str":"is really cool"},{"UInt":1337}]}}}

HTTP server

We can use the axum library for our actual HTTP server, and set up routes corresponding to our KV store's get, put, and delete API by using the RESTful GET, PUT, and DELETE HTTP methods respectively. The README in the demo repo has some sample curl invocations for testing these routes out with actual values.

For additional debug context, we'll also have each route return the shared log range reflected by the corresponding action. Any consumer of this specified portion of the log would see the value that was returned in the response, or in the case of put, the value which was provided in the request. The range values are simply S2 stream sequence numbers.

For example, the acknowledgment from this put:

$ curl \
    --silent -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -X PUT \
    -d '{"key": "hello", "value": {"Str": "world"}}' \

... might look like this:


A subsequent get for that key might return this:


... which would signify that no additional put or delete occurred anywhere in the KV store in the meantime, as the reflected log region is still (..272).

Let's dive into how the actual KV store functions will work.

Main event loop

Earlier, we touched on the main components of our system, and generally how the KV store API will interact with S2's stream API.

There are many ways to structure an actual implementation of this system. In the demo, the main "engine" of our KV store is modelled as an event loop, which is a common pattern for I/O bound workloads.

The idea is that we can spawn a Tokio task which will be responsible for executing this loop, and therefore responding to our various input and output streams, and managing the internal materialized state. This task will run for the lifetime of our node. By giving that task ownership of the materialized state, as well as of any I/O streams, we can avoid use of locks entirely.

Internally, our get, put, and delete functions will all rely on this task to accomplish what they need to.

We can model an event loop task like this as a regular async Rust function, which will get spawned during startup of our node. This is the orchestrate function in the demo.

This function mostly consists of one large loop, the body of which will await a few different async functions. We can use the tokio::select! macro, which is a handy way to await multiple futures simultaneously. That way, we can handle whichever future returns Ready first, and only run the code in the branch that was associated with it. The futures which we don't end up handling will get dropped, but we can re-await futures from the same underlying streams and channels on the next iteration of the orchestrate loop.

Here's what the skeleton of our event loop function will look like:

async fn orchestrate(
    // ...
) -> Result<(), KVError> {
    // ...
    loop {
        tokio::select! {
            Some(cmd) = command_rx.recv() => {
                // ... commands about new `put`/`delete`/`get` requests
            Some(ack) = => {
                // ... S2 record batch acknowledgments
            Some(record) = => {
                // ... S2 log entry records
            else => { break; }
    // ...

The only catch with using an event loop is that, since we only have a single task responsible for all I/O, we have to be careful to make sure that we correctly offload work. We want the loop to be spending most of its time in the select! await, where the task is able to respond to whichever type of message appears next. We don't want the actual event loop task to be stuck awaiting a single function call within one of the branches โ€” it will need to stay open to quickly deal with whatever occurs next, dispatch it, and move on.

For instance, a put request will take some time for our KV store to service; each put will require a write to the S2 log, and will need to then wait to see if that write was acknowledged by S2. We can't hold up our event loop while we're waiting for that acknowledgment, or it would block other concurrent callers to our system. A typical way to deal with this is by using some sort of async "callback" mechanism (more on that in a bit).

Defining command messages

What are these actual flows of information that orchestrate will be responsible for, and what actions it will take in response to each?

The first branch in our select! block handles commands. Since orchestrate is a task, not a struct, we can't have it perform actions by calling a function directly on it. Instead, we'll communicate with it via message passing. That way, commands are simply modelled as another I/O stream to react to in the main event loop.

The command_rx in the code snippet above is simply the receiving end of an unbounded channel. This is a "multi-producer / single-consumer", or MPSC, channel โ€” so the receiver held by orchestrate is guaranteed to be the only one. We can have an unlimited amount of sender handles, on the other hand, which comes in handy. In other words, callers can easily clone and send new commands into our channel, and all of the messages will flow to the main loop.

What actually needs to be communicated to our task? Really, any action we want it to perform. In practice, this will be servicing requests that come from our KV store users directly โ€” so put,delete, and get. The commands themselves can be an enum, allowing us to pattern match on the different variants within the select! branch.

We won't quite just have different commands for put/delete/get respectively. Recall that both put and delete can be handled almost identically. We can consolidate both of them as a single WriteLog command, where the sender constructs a log representing either a Put or Delete action.

On the other hand, get commands actually end up being processed in two different ways. If the caller wants strong, linearizable consistency, we need to make sure that when we execute the get that the local materialized state has caught up with the tail of the S2 log. If the caller is fine with eventual consistency, we can execute that get immediately, regardless of what the tail is.

Our commands end up looking like this:

type SequenceNumber = u64;
type SequencedValue = (RangeTo<SequenceNumber>, Option<Value>);
type WriteSender = oneshot::Sender<Result<RangeTo<SequenceNumber>, KVError>>;
type ReadSender = oneshot::Sender<Result<SequencedValue, KVError>>;
enum OrchestratorCommand {
    WriteLog {
        log: LogEntry,
        response_tx: WriteSender,
    ReadStrongConsistency {
        key: String,
        reflect_applied_state: RangeTo<SequenceNumber>,
        response_tx: ReadSender,
    ReadEventualConsistency {
        key: String,
        response_tx: ReadSender,

You may be wondering what these response_tx fields are. Those are how we can call back to the original sender of the command (i.e., the actual put, get, and delete methods on the HTTP server).

Since commands are being communicated to the orchestrate task via an MPSC channel, and not a function call, there is no obvious way for the senders of those commands to be notified when the requested asynchronous work is completed.

A common pattern in these situations is to send a oneshot channel. These are very similar to MPSC channels, but used for receiving a single value โ€” so particularly useful as an async notification mechanism. In our case, the commands contain a sender for the oneshot, which orchestrate will either use immediately or hold on to, and the receiver end is then retained by the original issuer of the command.

For instance, the put command (what actually ends up getting called by the HTTP server's PUT route) looks like this:

/// Put a new key/value to the store.
async fn put(
    key: String,
    value: Value
) -> Result<RangeTo<SequenceNumber>, KVError> {
    // Create the oneshot for receiving a response.
    let (response_tx, response_rx) = oneshot::channel();
    // Send a `WriteLog` command corresponding to
    // the `Put` key and value, and providing the
    // sender end of the oneshot.
        .send(OrchestratorCommand::WriteLog {
            log: LogEntry::Put { key, value },
        .map_err(|_| KVError::OrchestratorTaskFailure)?;
    // Await a response on the receiver.
        .map_err(|_| KVError::OrchestratorTaskFailure)?

Executing commands

We've seen how commands flow into our orchestrate task, and how responses can be communicated back using oneshots.

What does orchestrate actually do in response to the different commands?

Write commands

For WriteLog commands (from put or delete requests), it will simply package the log into a record batch, and emit it to the active AppendSession via a channel that supplies (using tokio's ReceiverStream) an async stream of AppendInput values.

Some(cmd) = command_rx.recv() => {
    match cmd {
        OrchestratorCommand::WriteLog { log, response_tx } => {
            append_tx.send(AppendInput {
                records: AppendRecordBatch::try_from_iter(
                ).map_err(|_| KVError::Weird("unable to construct batch"))?,
            }).map_err(|_| KVError::Weird("s2 append_session rx dropped"))?;
    // ...

Notice that we don't just send the record โ€” we also push the oneshot sender received as part of the command into a write_queue. We can't resolve the originating request until we've received an acknowledgment from S2 that the corresponding log is durable, so we need to hold on to the oneshot sender for now.

Eventually consistent read commands

Commands for performing eventually consistent reads are pretty easy! Since the caller has elected for non-linearizable reads โ€” in other words, they can tolerate staleness, and don't care if the read doesn't necessarily reflect all prior writes on the shared log โ€” we can simply check the materialized state and return the result immediately:

Some(cmd) = command_rx.recv() => {
    match cmd {
        // ...
        OrchestratorCommand::ReadEventualConsistency {
        } => {
            // Use the oneshot to communicate the read result immediately.
            _ = response_tx
                .inspect_err(|_| debug!("read rx dropped"));

Strongly consistent read commands

Strong reads are only slightly more involved. These commands will specify a log prefix that must have been applied to the materialized state before we can return a value. (If you're wondering where that prefix is obtained, we'll get to that later, when we discuss where check_tail gets called.)

If the materialized state already happens to have caught up to that point, we can immediately return the value. If not, we need to use some sort of queue โ€” similar to what we do with writes โ€” and hold on to the oneshot (as well as the key), until we catch up to the desired state.

Some(cmd) = command_rx.recv() => {
    match cmd {
        // ...
        OrchestratorCommand::ReadStrongConsistency {
        } => {
            if reflect_applied_state.end <= local_state.applied_state.end {
                // Applied state is already caught up with the tail.
                _ = response_tx
                    .inspect_err(|_| debug!("read rx dropped"));
            } else {
                // Not yet caught up. Defer until we do.
                    reflect_applied_state, ResponseContext::Read{ key, response_tx }
        // ...

Handling S2 I/O

At this point, we've seen how all of our different OrchestratorCommands are reacted to. Some reads get handled immediately, others are pending on some future log entries being applied, and are stashed until then. Writes, similarly, are all stashed into a queue where they will await acknowledgments from S2.

In both cases, we are awaiting some additional information from our durability layer, S2. Let's see how that works.

S2 append acknowledgements

We send batches of records (individual log entries) to S2 via an MPSC channel (the append_tx sender, as discussed earlier), but also receive acknowledgments back from S2 as an async stream of AppendOutput messages.

Within an AppendSession, acknowledgments are guaranteed to be received in the same order that we sent appends, which is why a FIFO queue is a good way to keep track of our pending, or "inflight", log writes.

Whenever a new acknowledgement arrives, we simply pop_front from our queue and obtain the oneshot for communicating back to the original put or delete call, and send a message indicating that the write has succeeded.

Some(ack) = => {
    let response_tx = write_queue.pop_front().expect("queue entry");
    _ = response_tx
        .inspect_err(|_| debug!("write ack rx dropped"));

S2 log entries

Our orchestrate task is also always listening for log entries via a ReadSession. These could correspond to writes that were proposed earlier by the same node โ€” or they might have been written by one of the other nodes; it's a shared log after all!

Whenever a log entry is received, orchestrate simply has to apply it to the materialized state (the in-memory version of the map), and update the tracker of the currently applied contiguous prefix of log entries. Whenever it updates its state, it can also look for any pending strong get requests, and see if they can now be resolved (and the requested value can be returned from the now up-to-date state).

Some(record) = => {
    let record = record?;
    // Deserialize the json log.
    let log_entry = serde_json::from_slice(record.body.as_ref())
        .map_err(|e| KVError::JsonError(e.to_string()))?;
    // Insert or delete the key from the local storage map.
    match log_entry {
        LogEntry::Put { key, value } =>, value),
        LogEntry::Delete { key } =>,
    // Update the applied state prefix. Our materialized state reflects
    // this contiguous range of the log.
    local_state.applied_state = ..record.seq_num + 1;
    // Find any pending `get` requests that may have been waiting for
    // the `applied_state` to catch up.
    for PendingResponse {
        end_seq_num: _,
    } in pending_responses.drain_applied_responses(local_state.applied_state) {
        match response_context {
            ResponseContext::Read{ key, response_tx } => {
                _ = response_tx.send(Ok((local_state.applied_state,
                    .inspect_err(|_| debug!("read rx dropped"));

That's about it for orchestrate!

CheckTail operations for strong reads

Earlier, when we were looking at how OrchestratorCommand::ReadStrongConsistency commands get processed, we saw that all strong read requests need to specify a reflect_applied_state parameter. This value indicates the value of the S2 log's tail at the time at which the get was processed, and we can only achieve linearizability if we ensure that the materialized state has reflected all logs up to that position when we retrieve and return a value.

It is expected, therefore, that the get handler in our KV store call check_tail itself, and provide the value it received in the command to orchestrate. In theory, orchestrate could also be responsible for performing the check_tail op โ€” it's just one additional I/O task after all.

Bus-stand optimization

In practice, it's a bit neater to have a separate, dedicated event loop task for check_tail purposes. This is mainly to take advantage of what Mahesh Balakrishnan refers to as the "bus-stand" optimization (from ยง3.2 in this paper mentioned earlier).

Since every single strong read serviced by our KV store needs to obtain the current tail, by default that means one check_tail operation per read request. If we're willing to slightly delay reads, we can instead group these tail requests into batches, where โ€” similar to catching a bus at a bus stand โ€” passengers wait until the next "departure" to the underlying check_tail call, and a single response can satisfy that input for several read requests at once. This allows us to trade off additional latency for strong reads with a ceiling on the maximum number of check_tail operations performed per second.

Similar to orchestrate, we can communicate with a dedicated check_tail task over an MPSC command channel, and receive responses via a oneshot. The bus stand optimized version of check_tail looks like this:

/// Get the current stream's tail.
/// Wait up to `max_wait` before the actual `check_tail` invocation occurs, allowing
/// other callers to also be served by the same underlying S2 tail op.
async fn bus_stand_check_tail(
    max_wait: Duration,
) -> Result<RangeTo<SequenceNumber>, KVError> {
    let (response_tx, response_rx) = oneshot::channel();
        .send(BusRider {
        .map_err(|_| KVError::BusStandTaskFailure)?;
        .map_err(|_| KVError::BusStandTaskFailure)?

(The actual implementation of the bus stand task, which performs the batching, can be seen here in the demo).

Our new bus_stand_check_tail function can be called by get and used to obtain the tail before sending a read command to the orchestrator:

/// Get the value of a key.
async fn get(
    read_consistency: ReadConsistency,
    key: String,
) -> Result<(RangeTo<SequenceNumber>, Option<Value>), KVError> {
    // Oneshot for receiving the value.
    let (response_tx, response_rx) = oneshot::channel();
    let cmd = match read_consistency {
        ReadConsistency::Eventual => {
            OrchestratorCommand::ReadEventualConsistency { key, response_tx }
        ReadConsistency::Strong => OrchestratorCommand::ReadStrongConsistency {
            reflect_applied_state: self.bus_stand_check_tail(BUS_RIDER_MAX_WAIT).await?,
        .map_err(|_| KVError::OrchestratorTaskFailure)?;
        .map_err(|_| KVError::OrchestratorTaskFailure)?


We covered a lot in this post, and managed to build a simple multi-primary, strongly consistent database! I hope it gave you a glimpse into some of the ways in which S2 can be used at the foundation of real distributed data systems. We can't wait to see what people end up building.

The actual implementation of the system discussed here is only ~600 lines, and worth checking out if you made it this far!



  1. Marc Brooker's blog post about MemoryDB discusses how fencing support by a shared log service can safely support leader leases. MemoryDB itself requires only conditional append support, and uses the same log used for data to coordinate leader election and leases (see ยง4.1 in the paper). You are able to take either approach with S2! โ†ฉ

  2. Currently, S2 is only hosted from AWS's us-east-1 region, but we will expand access to other regions and public cloud providers. โ†ฉ

  3. Actually guaranteeing that there is truly only one node capable of writing โ€” either because we didn't want a replicated setup, or in some sort of leader/follower replication scheme โ€” needs careful design. See note above.1 โ†ฉ